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Program Education Objective (PEO)


  • PEO1- Cultivating a mindset of lifelong learning to keep up with rapid advancements in AI technologies and methodologies.


  • PEO2- Learn and advance their careers by attaining professional certification and seeking higher education.


  • PEO3- Ethically and socially responsible soulution provider and entrepreneurs in the field of AI & ML

Program Outcomes (POs)

1.Basic and Discipline specific Knowledge.

2.Problem analysis

3.Design /development of solution

4.Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing

5.Engineering practices  for society, sustainability and environment

6.Project Management

7.Life-long learning


Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

PSO1 – Ability to use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models on data for enabling better decision making.

PSO2 – Make use of AI and ML techniques for industrial appliocation